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The Sunday Currently Vol. 11

Helloooooo! So much has happened since my blogging hiatus. I GOT A JOB! Yayyy! Tho juggling work, my studies, my sorority, as well as my social life has been taking its toll on me. I'm so tired as hell but mehhh. Para sa ekonomiya. I'm so happy I finally got the time to do a Sunday Currently post. Speaking of... I better get started.



Nothing at the moment. I think the last book I read was a few months ago. Well, reread actually. I like to read books that I've already finished reading when I'm bored. Something about recalling that specific moment when you were reading that certain book at a certain time. Then, you remember the people you were hanging out with during that period in your life, as well as the playlist you were listening to. I think it's cool.


The Sunday Currently Vol. 11.


to Sign by DEAMN. You must listen to this song. MUST. Also, listen to Summer Love, Save Me, and Give Me Your Love by the same artist.


about how much has changed over the past months. I'm happy that I have finally overcome something I've been struggling with for almost three years. To finally move on from something so painful feels so freeing.

Anyway, I'm happy with the way things are now. I'm contented. Although, I have this big crush on someone (I met him last April) but my gut tells me nothing can really happen. It's way too complicated and I don't think he's into me. My brain's telling me to let this one go. I'm scared to take the risk.


chlorine. I like it.


to only be friends with people who are willing to stay. I srsly need to stop hanging out with people who are only there when they need something. It sucks.

I also wish for my Payoneer account to be unblocked. PLEASE LORD. :(


to be closer with this person. I really like this person's personality and he's reaaaally cute. Hahahaha

Still hoping and praying to get my account unblocked. :(


a gray Hamilia shirt and jeans.


my current state of mind. I'm looking forward to make the rest of 2017 extra special.


to make things right with a friend.


my salary. HUHUHUHUHUHU.


fine. I think.

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